The Department of Pharmaceutics is a place where commitment to excellence in academia,research and development is demonstrated through the productivity and success of our facultyand students. We continue to march with times and our program focuses on expanding thescientific avenues for improving the delivery of drugs and therapeutic agents. We offer atraining environment that includes the latest formulation laboratory instrumentation andtechnologies supervised by experienced teachers and dedicated staff.
Promotion of human health through safe, efficacious and affordable pharmaceuticalinterventions.
To develop world class pharmacy graduates with capabilities and competencies to meet thenational pharmaceutical challenges and patient care needs. The mission of the Department ofPharmaceutics and Microbiology is to educate and mentor students to:
- Become excellent Pharmacists in the area of Pharmaceutical Compounding and DrugDevelopment
- Acquire the practical skills necessary for small and medium scale manufacture ofpharmaceutical products in the laboratory.
- Be aware of the immunological basis of disease and understand immunotherapy as anaspect of Pharmaceutical science
- Contribute to the pursuit of knowledge by contributing meaningfully in the area ofresearch.
- To provide pharmacy students with requisite knowledge and technical and scientificskills for appropriate development of therapeutic substances of plant, animal andmineral origin.
- To inculcate in pharmacy graduates the spirit of professionalism that will form the basisfor integrated and multi-disciplinary approach to patient care in their practice ofpharmacy and
- To ensure that the students, upon graduation, will appreciate and demonstrate theimportance and significance of research in advancing pharmaceutical care anddeveloping sustainable life-long learning habits.
- To establish collaborative links with other schools of pharmacy for the promotion ofmutual academic and research goals.
Faculties Table
Department of Pharmaceutics |
SI No |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Mr. V Andiran |
Professor & HOD |
2 |
Mrs. Silpa C Ravi |
Associate Professor |
3 |
Mrs. Bini KB |
Associate Professor |
4 |
Mrs. Sruthi P N |
Associate Professor |
5 |
Ms. Reshma VB |
Assistant Professor |
6 |
Mrs. Syama M |
Assistant Professor |
7 |
Mrs. Greeshma U Nair |
Lecturer |
Laboratory Details
The department is equipped with the laboratories, ultra-modern facilities, and competent staffwhich have been considered as one of the most sophisticated infrastructure.
Major equipments
- Disintegrator
- Bulk density apparatus
- Sieve shaker
- Ball mill
- Double cone blender
- Ultrasonicator
- ColorimeterAmpoule sealing and washing machine
- Ampoule sealing and washing machine
- Capsule filling machine
- Capsule counter
- Antibiotic zone reader
- Ointment filling machine
=- Sterility testing unit
=- Tray dryer
=- BOD incubator
=- Muffle furnace
=- Hand punching machine
- Homogenizer
- Mechanical stirrer
- Colony counter
- Hot air ovens
- Electronic water baths
- Centrifuge
- Autoclaves
- Incinerator
- Incubator etc.
Specific outcomes
- Impart knowledge on the novel drugdelivery systems, approaches, criteriafor selection of polymers and drugs andtheir formulation and evaluation
- To know various preformulationelements, industrial management andGMP considerations, Pilot Plant ScaleUp Techniques, Stability testing,sterilization and packaging of dosageforms
- To impart knowledge and skills ingeneric drug development,various regulatory filings theapproval process, and concept ofgenerics across the globe
- To impart knowledge and skillsfor dose calculations, doseadjustments and applybiopharmaceutics theories inpractical problem solving. Thepharmacokinetic models,bioequivalence and potentialclinical pharmacokinetic problem analysis
- Skill development in Pharmaceuticalresearch, Pharmacoinformatics, in drugdevelopment in Computationalmodeling, Preclinical development,clinical development, ArtificialIntelligence and Robotics, andComputational fluid dynamics
- To impart knowledge and skillsnecessary for cosmetics andcosmeceuticals, their safety and efficacyand current technologies in cosmeticindustry
- To gain knowledge in use of advancedinstrumentation, formulation andevaluation of controlled releaseformulations, floating drug deliverysystems, transdermal drug deliverysystems, micromeritics, andmathematical simulations
- To train the students and develop theirtechnical skill knowledge in computersimulations, population modelings, invitro and in vivo studies
- To create a talent pool by involvingstudents in research projects and tomake students undertake researchprojects under faculty guidance forpublication
- To foster ambitious desire amongstudents to undertake higher studies andcareer growth

Research status and perspectives
The focused research areas of the department are i) Preformulation studies, ii) Developmentof different pharmaceutical dosage forms including novel and nanotechnology-based drugdelivery systems, iii) Evaluation of developed dosage forms with respect to various in vitroand in vivo parameters and iv) Studying the biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic aspectsof the drug as well as its dosage forms.
Core competencies
Development and evaluation of -
- Multi-particulate Drug Delivery Systems
- Sustained Release Dosage Forms
- Immediate-release dosage forms
- Ocular Drug Delivery Systems
- Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems (including ionotophoresis and sonophoresis)
- Implants
- Semisolid dosage forms
- Dental preparations
- Microspheres
- Nanopharmaceuticals (nanoparticles, liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles,etc)